Website/domain for sale


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This domain and/or website is for sale.

The domain is more than 18 years old.
It was firstly and uninterruptedly registered since 2006-12-07, without any drops.
Aged domains tend to rank well on Google, since they demonstrate value and authority.

The domain is an exact search match.
The search volume for crochet bikini and crochet bikinis returns 12,100 searches per month, for the exact match keywords alone.
Being an exact match domain, it’s fairly easy to rank on #1 page of Google, for the main keywords. We are currently on #1 page of Google.

There’s a whole word around crochet.
Related keywords have a pretty high volume searches too.
Monthly volume for related keywords: cover up beach dress 8100, women’s beach cover up 4400, crochet swimsuits 3600, crochet cover up 3600, crochet bikini tops 1900, and so on.

Products have been uploaded on the website and already outsourced from manufacturer.
Profit margin is currently set at 50%.
You can cut shipping time by keeping a small inventory in-house.
Or you can run it as dropshipping.

For any questions, please let us know.
For inquiries, please contact us.

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